Saturday, May 7, 2011

I did it myself!

I made this mess and I had to clean it up again. I realized that I am contributing to my own stress by starting new projects uncontrollably. I gave myself a talk and I will try to rehabilitate. It is good to have new projects but I should have more self discipline and not create chaos in my own life.

Thanks for competitions that create deadlines one cannot miss and need to work constructively towards that goal. Tomorrow my competition quilt will be finished and then I will allow myself to work on 4 projects simultaneously. I have organized my sewing room this week. I took all the stuff that I never use and move it to a bedroom cupboard.

I then reorganized my projects in the baskets (I through the cat out first) and put it in the cupboard, Now all the crates that was standing all over the sewing room also find a place where it could be neatly stacked and out of the way. I created better access to my design wall and will now be able to view the whole design wall.

We have Olive Festival in the Riebeek Valley. So I am off to the Old Age Home where we have an old fashioned basaar. Here you can get pancakes, basaar pudding, jams, freshly baked bread and some knitted articles. This is our big fundraiser for the year and we hope to have enough people today to bring in the much needed funds.


  1. My jongste broer het my Ma vandag vir Moedersdag na die Olyf fees geneem. Dis altyd 'n groot fees en dit word baie geniet.
    Ek is gelukkig in die sin dat ek slegs materiale het vir die projek waaraan ek werk. Omdat ek alles moet invoer, en posgeld (meeste van die tyd) meer is as wat die materiale kos, hou ek aankope tot 'n minimum. Dus kan ek nie baie projekte op 'n slag aanpak nie. Selfs al is dit my geval, lyk my huis ook so deurmekaar, aangesien ek orals 'n "kwilt plekkie" het.

  2. I do it to myself on a regular basis too.....I so know what you mean.

  3. Gedeelde leed is halwe leed- ek voel al klaar beter!

  4. Ha Ha....guess I am seeing myself here...I give myself many many talks... I am soon posting my great clean up and then too will be giving myself the gift of multiquilting....yeah!


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