Saturday, February 12, 2011

The MSC Sinfonia

We had a wonderful weekend trip on the MSC Sinfonia from Durban to the Portugese Island and Inhaca. It was organised as a family reunion with my husband's sisters. What we did not know, was that the boat was so big- our cabins was nearly 800m from each other!

The Family- Me and Stephanus on the right
Some of the people in our party was sea sick- I was "landsick" When I came home I noticed that I was walking like a drunk- just like on the boat when the sea was huge and the boat rocked from side to side. I also had a terrible headache. When I went to the dairy early on Wednesday morning I had to stop in the veld and was sick.

My husband at the end of our trip
I took some quilt magazine's with and  had time to study Judy Woodworth's book Freemotion Quilting from cover to cover. It was a relaxing time and we even had a Matisse print in our cabin!
   Inside our cabin

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