Friday, October 6, 2017

Some completed quilts

I and my sister, Carla, went to visit my brother, Andries and his wife Twiny, in Vancouver in September. I wanted to complete a quilt to give them, in the end I was able to complete two quilts. I had to sew the binding while I was there to completely finish it, but here is the photographs of the washed quilts while it was on the heated tile floor in my kitchen just before leaving for Canada.
Rose Quilt

Kaffe's Triangles

This quilt was from an idea in Kaffe Fasset's book. I made the triangles a bit larger (17,5 cm squares). I just ditch quilt the larger blocks. Then I quilted the blocks on the embroidery module. It came out lovely.

Digitized quilting on the embroidery module

I had the opportunity to visit several Quilting shops. My brother stopped at 4 shops on Vancouver island when we went there to visit friends. I had 10 minutes in each to shop and I made fully use of the oppportunity.

We went to the Rockies and I could shop in Canmore at Sugarpine Co. I was also fortunate to meet Katja Marek in her quilt shop in Kamloops on our way back to Vancouver.

Me and Katja

I am back home and busy with my projects. The wonderful holiday will stay with me though and the beautiful mountains and waterfalls we saw and the lovely swims in Lake Pyramid and the 5 lakes will be memories I will always treasure.

Enjoy your projects.


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