Monday, April 15, 2013

This is why I am a Quilter

When I pinned my completed block on my design wall and stood back, I once again know why I am a quilter. I get so much joy from my work, not only while I am doing it but for this moments when my own work surprise and impress me!

As I said in a previous post, making blocks is instant gratification. One has this vision of how it will look and how the colours will work together. Sometimes the results is not really what you thought and sometimes the results is just a jaw dropper. These moments put me on a high that no drugs can ever give!

I am celebrating my thirtieth year as a quilter this year. I am so thankful that I have found my purpose in life so early in  my life. I am in the privileged position that I can spent a lot of time living out my passion. I am really in my element when working on my quilts or when I am surrounded with quilts and quilters.

Another project that has a lot of surprises is my BOM quilt I do with Jinny Beyer. If you subscribed to her newsletters you get access to monthly installments of her Quilt Solstice. It is not to late to join- all the previous months instructions is accessible till the end of the year.

I have completed my connector blocks.

The instructions for the other blocks is available every month.
In the first block you make use of a border print. I am using a border print that I have available, not a Jinny Beyer print.

In the second and third block one use soft edge applique. I use fabrics from the same range as the border print. I really have to search in this fabric to find areas with interesting edges.

 I was very pleased and nicely surprised when the simple circular edge still produced lovely result.

Quilting is my life and my life is beautiful!

Enjoy your Quilting.


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